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MY Story

I am Chelsey Jade Venrick, Owner of Soulsalt Yoga & Co-Founder of The Luminary.

Yoga for me was about stepping out of my comfort zone. I consider Yoga a lifestyle. The way you think, how you comprehend your thoughts & emotions, viewing food as medicine & honoring your connection to Mother Earth.

Yoga is not all about the movement.

When I had found myself at my lowest,  I forced myself to a yoga class with a girlfriend. I will never forget that day. Even as I sat up from Savasana, I felt the shift. I felt like an internal flame had been lit and finally, FINALLY, I had arrived. I say that now, but in the moment I didn’t exactly know where yoga would take me. 
And today, I consider myself a forever student. My practice is sacred and want to share it with everyone!

Questions or curious? I am an open book so please feel free to connect with me.



Our mission is to empower individuals & to improve all aspects of their lives through the use of holistic and alternative methodologies. We believe in the healing power of Mother Earth. Our services are designed to help you achieve balance and wellness in body, mind, and spirit.

Allow us the honor to walk with you on your journey towards a healthier and happier life.


At Soulsalt, we are forever students of Mother Earth and creating a powerful space for individuals to share their sacred knowledge and facilitate healing with others.

 To provide a nurturing environment that honors the unique wisdom of each person in our community. To empower individuals to grow and thrive through our collective knowledge. With methods such as Yoga, Meditation, Plant Medicines, Reiki & Frequency Healing.

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